Invest in your growth

classical homeopathy mind body healing yoga Mar 30, 2023

I am continually investing in my own growth and evolution in some form or fashion!




- I believe in getting the right support, not going it alone, and having someone remind me that I can do things that scare me. 


- I know that if I want something I have to invest the time, hold the space as sacred so I can honor my own vision of health, wellness, and purpose.


- I am dealing with my own “stuff” and facing it head on and processing it wasn’t my go to growing up. My go to was ignoring, keep moving, or to be angry. BEING has become more of my life than doing. And it can be quite uncomfortable. 


- As I hone in on my own desires, needs, and fill my own cup this helps my clients as well as I to expand and evolve. 


- As I get the support I need, my “stuff” doesn’t get in the way of me being in service.


- I have clients who have worked with me since I started my business 14+ years ago because I GROW and they GROW with me.


I claim to be EXTREMELY resourceful.


It’s not because of the knowledge in my head (though it’s there). It’s through deeply experiencing what I encounter to be useful tools, tips, processes, etc. and connecting to divine knowing energy. 


Humans are complex, journeys to healing are layered. Many times we need to repeat things until cleared.


However, there are incredible ways to move the needle.


If you are ready to be supported in your healing and expansion (or NOT, but desire to rip the band-aid off) then  DM me! 


I have a 1:1 private coaching spot with your name on it! Nab it before it’s gone!



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