You deserve a painfree life!
Mar 27, 2023
Eeek… just hung up with one of my beloved 1:1 private coaching clients!
She came to me because literally she had tried “all the things.” And still her debilitating pain wasn’t getting any better through all the treatments.
Since starting to work together and receiving her remedy:
- Zero debilitating pain (main complaint, bye-bye!)
- energy is high
- mood is better
- sleeping harder without her meds
She is amazed at the shift! I’m not!
Ha, NOT TRUE, I’m always amazed by the deep healing because it is incredible the kind of medicine we have access to.
Also, this human deserves a break from the severe pain and anguish she has had to endure her whole life.
However, as I share with all potential and current clients…the deep healing takes TIME! It is a journey. Some wins and relief take longer, this is not a prescriptive approach.
This work is SO potent and I’m excited not only to see this awesome shift now, but as she regains that trust in her body…woah watch out world, she will be an unstoppable force (she already is, she just needs to OWN it)!
I love what I do, I love these clients, I’m so thankful for all that this planet provides for us!!!
You want to feel better in your body/mind than you have in years and OWN YOUR INNATE MAGNIFICENCE?!?
What ya waiting for?!? Let’s connect. Got questions? Is this work right for you?!? DM me.
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